So many things have happened since my last post, here (a few years ago!).
I hope to start again, soon. God has worked many wonders in my life through this time. There have been curve balls, nut nothing that has got me down.
Check out our ministry and heroin addiction outreach and information website. It has taken most of my time over these years, and if I don't make it back here soon... Well, stop by:
Oh! I almost forgot! Work has been moving forward again on my auto-biography! (yay! I found some awesome software that really helps me with technical aspects of writing and it is so much easier to collect and organize my thoughts this way). It will detail my life, but more than that it will chronicle my journey into, through and back out of addiction. My involvement in the Mexican drug cartels will also finally be revealed in detail.
More to come on that, too.
Thanks and God bless!