Thursday, January 24, 2008

The Power of Prayer in Our Daily Lives

Picture: A 2007 Saturn Ion

One may look at the picture and wonder what this automobile has to do with the power of prayer. Please allow me to explain.

On Saturday January 19th, 2008, my fiancee Stacey and I almost purchased this car. We have an older mini-van (a 1996 Grand Voyager), which is starting to show it's age. The transmission has been replaced twice, electrical systems work when they want to, there are dents and dings and to top it off, our windshield cracked all the way across a few weeks before this.

I had scheduled an appointment to have a used windshield installed (It was $225 used, where a new one was like $325) on Monday the 21st of January. We discussed this and decided to try and get a different vehicle, instead. Enough money had been poured into the old van, we thought.

Sure enough, a local dealership in the Twin Cities area said they could get us in a car. Truth be told, neither of us has great credit. Stacey has been a struggling single mom who was left with bills and attorney fees from a bad marriage/relationship. Me? Well, if you read my testimony, you'll understand that I did not live in the world of responsible and law-abiding people. I had used every resource to benefit me and my addiction, including my credit. My score is like 508 or something. BAD.

We had figured it out in our budget, and we could afford about a $400 cash downpayment, we hoped to get about $1500 trade in allowance and our monthly payment could be as high as $150 (maybe pushed up just a little, but not much). The dealer had sent us info on a Kia Sedona (2003) which ran around $6999. A payment would hit in at around $120 so it seemed perfect.

When we got there, we were informed that we did not qualify for this car. We had to get a newer car with a value of around $10,000 to qualify for "special financing". Also that me and my income would not be helpful and it should be on Stacey's credit and income, alone.

Some (what I'd call shady) things started happening in the quest for finances at this point. Nothing which one could call illegal, but surely questionable. Now, my old self would have been right on board with this practice. I would have been lying and helping myself in whatever way I could to achieve my ends. I even heard that old man talking to me, but fortunately Christ has not given me a spirit of timidity but of strength, power and love. I was able to refrain from such immoral behavior and rebuke these thoughts. Praise God!

Still, Satan was not finished. The salesman came back, stating that if we had $500 (instead of the $400 we could afford), that if we agreed to a payment of $313 per month and took the only car they offered (pictured above), then we would just sign and walk away, driving home the new car.

Temptation was there. However, God told me to resist the Devil and he will flee from me. Now, I could have took a dump and came up with the extra $100. We could have signed the paper and BANG! There we'd be, driving home. I knew, however that I needed a moment. Not to think things through in my head, but to simply ask God for a solution.

So, I tell the salesman that the only way I can really do the extra $100 is to give him my credit card and they could bill it in a month for the $100. He said he'd have to ask his manager (of course), but didn't think it'd be a problem. As soon as he left, I started talking to God. I asked him for a solution. He knew we needed a good vehicle, reliable transportation. But He also knew as I did, that there was no way we could afford the $313 payment and even giving the entire $400 plus another $100 would put us behind the eight-ball, so to speak. I asked Him for guidance and help, and thanked Him for allowing me to even be here, alive.

3 or 4 minutes later, the salesman returned. He was puzzled and said, "I don't understand, but the bank just called back". Something (God) had popped up a red flag, and all the sudden we'd have to wait until Monday to get a managers approval (which should not be a problem, he said). He apologized and said he didn't know what happened.

I knew what happened. God took care of his one lost sheep, once again. As much as we wanted that car, we knew it was wrong and the wrong thing to do. I thank God for His divine intervention.

To top it off, we get back in the old car to go home. As we are about 10 minutes into our trip, my cell phone rings. On a Saturday afternoon, guess who it is? It's the glass repair company "just confirming" my appointment on Monday to replace the windshield on our car. To me, it was "just a confirmation", alright. A confirmation that we were doing the right thing.

There is one other thing. Monday, when I went to get the used auto-glass installed, Stacey and I waited as they installed it (about an hour and a half). It was boring and we were both tired as it was like 5pm and we had both had long days. They finally come out and say that it is almost ready. They also said that we were "lucky", as they could not find the used windshield and the guy had already started the job when he realized this. They gave us a new windshield for the $225 quoted price instead of the $325, which a new on usually costs! A reward for obedience? I don't believe that, but it was surely a blessing from God.

Here's once last thing. Stacey, my fiancee. It is so cool. She was on board with "whatever I had decided to do". She didn't complain, whine or ask for her own way. She didn't try to force the hand and make us walk away with the car. She's awesome and God gave her to me. I am so blessed.

Thank you, God.

God Bless You!

Ed Yaekle

Wednesday, January 23, 2008

35W Bridge Collapse

The pictures above depict horrible scenes. Man's pride and confidence in himself is once again shaken as another of his creations fail, passing into the annals of time, only to be forgotten like so many other happenstances in history.

As for this writer, I will not forget this day or these scenes. You see, by all rights I should have been on that bridge when it collapsed.

This bridge fell just after 6pm on a Wednesday night. For a year leading up to this event, I was unfailingly on a bus headed for a church service in Forest Lake, MN. My trip started in downtown Minneapolis (1619 Portland Avenue South, MNTC) and I passed over this bridge each Wednesday evening just after 6pm.

This Wednesday evening was no different. My fellow students and I had loaded onto the bus and were heading out of the parking lot. Just as we made the corner from 17th Avenue left onto Portland Avenue South, the bus drivers cellular phone rang.

It was the charge-staff from our facility (MNTC) calling. He instructed the driver to alternate his route and vary from the regular, shorter way which we always took. The driver had to swing from the far right lane on Portland Avenue back to the far left lane, so he could turn left onto 18th or 19th Avenue and then up Park Avenue, left on 15th and over to 94 West. We then went up to 694, to 35W north and on to Forest Lake (Maranatha AG Church).

If you know Minneapolis, you know that due to many factors, this is not the way one would voluntarily or logically choose to go. It's longer, there is a lot of traffic and it just doesn't make sense.

We were about 10 or 15 minutes into this alternate route when the radio announcer broke in with the news flash, saying that the bridge had just collapsed.

We should have been on that bridge. As the story unfolded, we heard that a school bus full of children had went in (later found inaccurate, though there were children in a bus on the bridge who were rescued, praise God). Many of us knew that God had showed us special favor. We don't know why we were given this Grace and others were not, but I have an idea.

The charge-staff who re-routed the bus for no apparent reason: This man was sensitive to not only the roars of God in a silent room, but he could also hear God's whispers in a windstorm. His obedience to the prompting of the Holy Spirit is what saved our lives. There were about 60 of us on that bus that night.

Thank you, Glen (charge-staff). Thank you, God.

As we exited the bus, many of us fell to the ground and prayed. Yes, we were thankful that we were spared. However, thanksgiving (for most of us) was not the fervent prayer on our lips and hearts. We prayed for those who didn't hear. For those poor souls and their families. We knew that we would have went home had we been on that bridge. There are other who may not have had that confidence and security.

We prayed for them.

As for myself, I hope to continue to strive to be in the place where Glen was that night, when he heard God's voice. I must admit, I thought it asinine to go the long way around without a valid reason. Having been humbled in this, more than ever I see that God speaks to us in ways we really do not understand. Understanding is not the key, however. Obedience is the true key.

God Bless You!

Ed Yaekle


Tuesday, January 8, 2008

My Personal Testimony & God's Plans

My Personal Testimony & God's Plans

"I was sick and I couldn't get well."

The above sentence sums up my life on 3-10-06, the day I was arrested and jailed for 1st Degree Conspiracy to Distribute Heroin. It speaks volumes about who I was and what I had done.

Now, I have hope in Christ, and this hope does not disappoint. Hope had turned into an unknown word and a foreign concept for me. Years of addiction to opiates (in one form or another) had robbed me of hope and much more. Not only did I permit this to come about, I helped facilitate this.

Through my youth and into adulthood, I developed a very permissive nature concerning drugs and substance abuse. It was a learned behavior, reinforced by my choices both in life and in "friends" or associates. A sin problem was rampant and many were the "little foxes" that were spoiling my vine. As they ate, these "little foxes" became ravenous wolves; even stampeding elephants, at times.

As a child even, I convinced myself that I did not have an addiction problem. From the age of five I was taking Phenobarbital and codeine for migraine headaches which the medical technology of the day could not explain (though later in life a golf ball sized cyst was found to be the culprit and removed from my brainstem). This persisted for many years. Truly, I was an unwitting addict as a child.

The results of this were that later in life I was willing (especially after watching family members who also had addiction problems) to dabble in pot, alcohol, cocaine, Quaaludes and a myriad of other substances. None were "to my liking", so they merely added to my moral deficiency and decay.

Getting knocked off of a 40ft. ladder (and the subsequent surgeries to repair my wracked and broken body) began what was a downward spiral into a full blown addiction to pills. These pills were slow and insidious to take complete control, weaving their spell over a period of years. It gave Satan a foothold. This was a place where he could introduce many more, deadlier evils into my life. I'm sure it played a huge part in my divorce. It also contributed to my self-centeredness, anxiety and depression. I do not shift or shirk any responsibility for this. I allowed this in my life; in my children's lives. For this I am truly sorry.

The years of narcotic addiction for pains both physical and emotional (real and imagined on both counts) allowed me to justify a lot of addictive, illegal, immoral and evil behaviors. My "little foxes" names were "legion", for they were many. I had become someone I did not like, nor even recognize. Minute by minute and sin by sin, I bargained away all my morals. The pain pill addiction ran the gamut from Vicodin to Percocet, to morphine, to methadone, to Dilaudid, to Oxycontin. Once the strongest of these became ineffective (orally) and I needed these to merely function (what is known as a chronic maintenance user), I began to use the Oxycontin tablets IV (in my veins). At the end of this phase I was using 16 to 20 of the 40mg Oxycontin tablets IV, daily. Factors which included cost prohibitiveness, ineffectiveness and inaccessibility eventually made heroin the only real choice left for me to continue this downhill descent into Sheol and Abbadon.

The Mexican mafia sells what is known as "black tar" heroin. It is very crude, but also very pure (rarely cut upon). At first I became a loyal customer to these people; next a "friend". Eventually I found myself using my Spanish speaking, leadership and organizational skills to work for these very scary people. In fact, *I* was a very scary person, reflecting upon my actions and the life I chose to lead.

My "job" in this underworld was to go from city to city setting up new "shops" in which to sell heroin. I would establish an all new business and then hand over the reigns of a turn key operation to an "internal staffing group" from the same family for which I was working. I did this for three different families (one of which would still enjoy seeing me tortured and dead) in eight major cities: Columbus, Cleveland and Cincinnati OH; Indianapolis, IN; Louisville, KY; Charlotte, NC; Chicago, IL and Minneapolis/St. Paul MN. These were considered my "territory".

My stock and trade were the "5 D's": Drugs, Disease, Despair, Destruction and Death.

My currency: Flesh and bone.

Finally I achieved "independence" (with connections) here in the Twin Cities. My habit had grown to massive proportions. I was using 2 to 2 ½ grams ($500) of heroin daily, just to be "normal" (to avoid the debilitating and driving force of withdraw). I had overdosed many, many times (probably in excess of 40 or 50 times) in many places. Hotel and motel rooms, public restrooms of fast food restaurants and gas stations and even a five star restaurant; all of these saw me overdose. My (then) 15 year old daughter had to see me to the hospital on Christmas 2005, as Daddy had yet again overdosed. How glamorous.

I worked harder in this profession than I have in any other endeavor in my life; 6am to 10pm Monday through Saturday and 8am to 9pm on Sundays. Seven days a week, no days off, nor holidays. "Taking care" of my customers, my business and most important, my habit. I smuggled drugs in busses, airplanes, cars and by foot across many borders.

Many also were the evil deeds I watched and sometimes even perpetuated in this pursuit. I was directly connected to the suicide of a childhood friend. He blew his brains out right in front of my eyes, after he'd threatened to kill another friend and me. I was robbed at gunpoint three times in this business and chased by a carload of rival dealers who meant to torture and kill me. Once, after selling some bad dope to a customer, he returned and forced me to inject some of the same dope, using a dirty needle. Through this I contracted Hepatitis C.

By God's powerful and irresistible grace (no, I'm not a Calvinist (anymore)) I was finally busted. The police caught up to me at 5am in Burnsville, MN in a hotel room where I slept that week. I was thrown into the Dakota County jail along with the two Mexican young men (an ex-godfather's/patron's nephews) who were working for me. Our charge, as I stated at the beginning of this testament was 1st Degree Conspiracy to Distribute Heroin.

The first ten day of jail were pure hell due to the intense, cold turkey withdraw from a heroin addiction which saw a daily dose large enough to kill an African elephant. I had tried to quit on my own and with the help of detox centers (using AA, NA, etc.), to no avail. Now I was faced with a "forced quit". I was angry, desperate and I truly wanted to die. I did pray to God, Satan or anyone who would listen. This was my plea: Kill me. But Satan had used me to his maximum benefit and was through with me for the time being. God didn't grant me my death wish, but He did send a female deputy, an angel named "Shepherd" of all names with a Gideon's pocket bible.

The hymns in the front of this helped me maintain sanity through the worst of this. The other deputies made fun of me because I'd sing these out. I was also very sick and looked very funny, even scary. I had no control over my bodily functions. I'd puke without end which would start diarrhea coming out the other end. I'd sneeze, gag, sweat, freeze and shiver. Deputies took my clothes and bedding from me, as I could not refrain from soiling them. This left me on a cold hard concrete floor, with a wooden bench and a metal toilet for comfort for ten days. I felt sick and savage; I was reduced to living like and animal. I couldn't eat nor even comprehend much beyond the sickness. After these ten days, the worst past. However, it still took about two months for all signs of withdraw to subside.

I spent 6 months in that jail. I became a trustee there, and worked 18 hours a day translating Spanish for the same deputies that (rightfully) made fun of me, and cleaning the jail. I took responsibility for the crime (from the young men who were working for me, as well as my own (they were deported)). I knew it meant a mandatory 86 months in prison. But I also knew that God had done something for me which I could not (and at that point, would not) do for myself.

What ever time I had left, it was a gift from him and I'd do His will, and glorify Him in my actions, henceforth. He touched the judge's heart. The judge gave me a downward departure of sentence from the mandatory 86 months, to one year in a Christian treatment program called Minnesota Teen Challenge and ten years probation.

When I got to Teen Challenge, I found out I had contracted Hepatitis C, and my liver was failing. But God DOES restore the years the locust ate. I was recently tested again, and the viral load is now undetectable. My liver enzymes are back in normal parameters (previously, they were double what is considered "high") and I have veins reappearing which I had lost due to heroin use. I have been clean for 24 months. God IS restoring those locust years slowly, but surely. I graduated the Teen Challenge 1 year program on September 12th, 2007.

My 4th of July, 2007 break/pass was spent with my friend and mentor. His name is Don Bania Jr, and he is a quadripligic who does mouth art and motivational speaking. He also coordinates efforts for Joni Eareckson Tada at I was blessed to be his houseguest. I helped him with work and fellowship with him one on one, daily. I am privileged to call him my friend. Two years ago I was so self-centered that I wouldn't have been within ten miles of this blessing.

My children, though no longer young (now ages 18, 19, 22 and 24), still love me. This is amazing. Relationships that have been strained or non-existent for many years are being restored. I have been so very blessed since I started walking with the Lord.

I do owe Him so much. But He did it because He loves me. I'd do the same for my own children, if I were able. This is the best comparison my limited human mind can use to equate to this. He doesn't want atonement or payments for these blessings. He said I must love Him with all my heart, soul, mind and strength.

So, as the bride said at her wedding:

"I do"

Post addendum:

I graduated the MN Teen Challenge Lifecare program on September 12th, 2007. As most of you know already, this is a one year faith-based program for people with addictions and life controlling behaviors. And NO, it's not just for teens. The philosophy is: "With Jesus at the center of your life, there's no more room for your self-centeredness. Ultimately, that very same self-centeredness is exactly what caused all the addictions and untoward behaviors in our lives."

At this I would like to also claim, proclaim and exclaim more of God's grace and blessings. Having mentioned my mentor and friend Don Bania, please recall that he is a quadriplegic. Due to my close contact with him, I was introduced to his PCA (personal care attendant/assistant), Stacey. She quickly became my friend, nothing more or nothing less.

Having to family in Minnesota, she'd often pick me up for my liberty passes on Saturday afternoons while I was in the Teen Challenge program and we'd spend time as friends doing things. Sometimes it would be something fun like bowling, a zoo, a movie or a park. Invariably, her children were with us (just in case anyone was wondering about accountability, which didn't really matter as we were no more or less than friends, remember?), and we usually looked for things to do they'd like. Also, we'd go shopping, I'd often cook us all a lunch or dinner (I like to cook), work on her house or just hang out. I showed her middle daughter some guitar and she picked it up very rapidly.

Well, as you can see, we were true friends. She often sacrificed to be able to make it to Teen Challenge to pick me up. Of course, I noticed these things. She was not in pursuit nor was I looking for either, a relationship. In fact, I was quite convinced that I would never have any relationship except with my Lord and Savior that involved any real intimacy or depth (if you weren't already blood to me). Man and woman is what I mean. I was content in this.

God knew what I needed more than I did. After I graduated the program we found that not only were we wonderful friends, but that we loved and cared for one another. We plan on being married Feb. 25th, 2008 in Ohio. I did not leave the school (TCTC TCMI) for this reason, but by not being there, this became a possibility and God worked this thing out as He saw fit. I am content!

God has told me (Genesis 50:20) that He will use for good that which Satan intended for evil. One of my favorite Pastors, Pastor Earl Gilchrist says that we were all soldiers and captains, even generals in Satan's army. He says that Satan poured a lot of resources, time and effort into our training, but now we have switched sides! God is going to use all the skills I learned in my madness.

In conclusion: I am excited by my prospects. God will see the good work which He began finished to its completion. He didn't save me from myself and Satan just to watch me self-destruct, again.

Bless you!


Being Set Free or Being Made Free. Is there a Difference?

John 8:31-32, 36 (KJV):

31 - If ye continue in my word, then are ye my disciples indeed.
32 - And ye shall know the truth, and the truth shall make you free.
36 - If the Son therefore shall make you free, ye shall be free indeed.

Nearly all Christians have at least heard the above verse(s) (probably many times) or they have read it. It seems to be simple and very direct and truly, it is.

Having said this, I'd like to examine this passage closer, to show how a different choice of word in a translation can really change the entire meaning of this simple and direct truth.

Let's first examine what was said:

Understand that Jesus is talking to Jews, the Pharisees and scribes at the Mount of Olives. He was teaching that day, according to earlier passages in this chapter. The Pharisees were trying (without much success) to get Jesus to fall victim to their "clever traps" and therefore, condemn Himself a heretic with His own words.

Jesus tells them (and us) by continuing in His word, we are His disciples, truly.To "continue in His word" means to obey His commandments and to continue to receive His doctrine (which is from the Father). By doing this we shall be His disciples (pupils or learners). In this discipleship we shall find and know the truth.

This truth shall make us free. God is truth. This brings us to verse 36 which says, "If the Son therefore shall make you free, ye shall be free indeed" and this (36) is the logical conclusion to verse 32. If The Son (the Truth) makes you free, then you are free from the bondage and dominion of sin. Not only this but it states you are free, indeed. Truly and really free and you shall be blessed with the most valuable freedom. Not free from the chains and oppressions of earthly masters, but from the bondage of sin.

He who sins is a bondservant to sin, but the Son makes us free.

He asks only that we be His disciples, His pupils and keep His commandments (Love the Lord your God with all your heart, soul, mind and strength and love your neighbor (or enemy) as yourself). Then we are MADE free.

Some translations of the Bible use the word "set" (know the truth and the truth shall "set" you free) instead of "make" free. The Greek word translated here is "Eleutheroo" (el-yoo-ther-o'-o). This is a verb, an action word that means to make one free or to endow with liberty.

These two words (set and make) would seem to be of near identical significance in this capacity.

Please allow me to illustrate the small but decisive difference.

When I was a child, I had a dog. A beagle named Blaze. My father used him as one of his hunting hounds. Blaze was a good dog (he once even saved my life). But he was a dog, a hound and he lived within the parameters of his world.

Here's what I mean:

Blaze lived in a doghouse in our back yard. He was attached to a chain as well. At the edge of the chains radius, he had worn the grass down to a smooth dirt path. When he was new, he'd come running at full speed when he'd see you coming with his food, only to choke himself and often send his own feet flying out from under himself when he reached the end of the chain.

It took him awhile to figure out that he'd always get the same result and eventually he knew that there was a line, which he could not cross safely. He was a prisoner and he knew it. Finally, he'd trot up to the line and wait, watching you arrive.The funny thing was, as he became accustomed to his prison and it's confinement, he gave up.

He was a prisoner to his world and master.

Here's where the difference between the words "set and make" come into play.

My father or I could go out and enter Blaze's circle. We could take off his chain and "set" him free. Then, if we did no more than to walk away, he was no better off than if we had left him in bondage. He was still trapped in his mind. He, on his own didn't know any better and though he was set free, he wasn't MADE free.

You see, we had to either put a leash on him or coax him past his radius of imprisonment. He knew that he was a slave and being set free did nothing to improve his lot. Only with the help of his master who would make him free did he find true freedom.

This, in my opinion is the difference between being "set free" and being "made free".

Christ the Master, the Truth doesn't just set us free, He makes us free. We often live as Blaze did, as a bondservant and slave to sin while the most valuable freedom, freedom from the bondage of sin is only given when we know the truth, which is attained through discipleship and we are MADE free by the son.

God Bless You!
