Tuesday, January 8, 2008

Being Set Free or Being Made Free. Is there a Difference?

John 8:31-32, 36 (KJV):

31 - If ye continue in my word, then are ye my disciples indeed.
32 - And ye shall know the truth, and the truth shall make you free.
36 - If the Son therefore shall make you free, ye shall be free indeed.

Nearly all Christians have at least heard the above verse(s) (probably many times) or they have read it. It seems to be simple and very direct and truly, it is.

Having said this, I'd like to examine this passage closer, to show how a different choice of word in a translation can really change the entire meaning of this simple and direct truth.

Let's first examine what was said:

Understand that Jesus is talking to Jews, the Pharisees and scribes at the Mount of Olives. He was teaching that day, according to earlier passages in this chapter. The Pharisees were trying (without much success) to get Jesus to fall victim to their "clever traps" and therefore, condemn Himself a heretic with His own words.

Jesus tells them (and us) by continuing in His word, we are His disciples, truly.To "continue in His word" means to obey His commandments and to continue to receive His doctrine (which is from the Father). By doing this we shall be His disciples (pupils or learners). In this discipleship we shall find and know the truth.

This truth shall make us free. God is truth. This brings us to verse 36 which says, "If the Son therefore shall make you free, ye shall be free indeed" and this (36) is the logical conclusion to verse 32. If The Son (the Truth) makes you free, then you are free from the bondage and dominion of sin. Not only this but it states you are free, indeed. Truly and really free and you shall be blessed with the most valuable freedom. Not free from the chains and oppressions of earthly masters, but from the bondage of sin.

He who sins is a bondservant to sin, but the Son makes us free.

He asks only that we be His disciples, His pupils and keep His commandments (Love the Lord your God with all your heart, soul, mind and strength and love your neighbor (or enemy) as yourself). Then we are MADE free.

Some translations of the Bible use the word "set" (know the truth and the truth shall "set" you free) instead of "make" free. The Greek word translated here is "Eleutheroo" (el-yoo-ther-o'-o). This is a verb, an action word that means to make one free or to endow with liberty.

These two words (set and make) would seem to be of near identical significance in this capacity.

Please allow me to illustrate the small but decisive difference.

When I was a child, I had a dog. A beagle named Blaze. My father used him as one of his hunting hounds. Blaze was a good dog (he once even saved my life). But he was a dog, a hound and he lived within the parameters of his world.

Here's what I mean:

Blaze lived in a doghouse in our back yard. He was attached to a chain as well. At the edge of the chains radius, he had worn the grass down to a smooth dirt path. When he was new, he'd come running at full speed when he'd see you coming with his food, only to choke himself and often send his own feet flying out from under himself when he reached the end of the chain.

It took him awhile to figure out that he'd always get the same result and eventually he knew that there was a line, which he could not cross safely. He was a prisoner and he knew it. Finally, he'd trot up to the line and wait, watching you arrive.The funny thing was, as he became accustomed to his prison and it's confinement, he gave up.

He was a prisoner to his world and master.

Here's where the difference between the words "set and make" come into play.

My father or I could go out and enter Blaze's circle. We could take off his chain and "set" him free. Then, if we did no more than to walk away, he was no better off than if we had left him in bondage. He was still trapped in his mind. He, on his own didn't know any better and though he was set free, he wasn't MADE free.

You see, we had to either put a leash on him or coax him past his radius of imprisonment. He knew that he was a slave and being set free did nothing to improve his lot. Only with the help of his master who would make him free did he find true freedom.

This, in my opinion is the difference between being "set free" and being "made free".

Christ the Master, the Truth doesn't just set us free, He makes us free. We often live as Blaze did, as a bondservant and slave to sin while the most valuable freedom, freedom from the bondage of sin is only given when we know the truth, which is attained through discipleship and we are MADE free by the son.

God Bless You!



Anonymous said...

You're very right. Before now I had been taking the two (Set free and Make free) to mean the same thing. Thank you so much. May the Lord enrich you the more.

Anonymous said...

make is to "bring into being"
set is to "move from one place to another"

Unknown said...

Tonight at Bible study, my Pastor taught about the two words; set & make, and for all these many years I always thought they were the same, reading your illustration, made it so clear, the true difference; I have been made free in my thinking, understanding is so essential, thank you and God bless you.

Unknown said...

Waoh ,Ur a teacher indeed...am so bless with this understanding>> may God bless you with more revelation!

Unknown said...

Thank you very much. I am only a messenger who passes what he hears the way he hears it, but thank you for your kind words. Pass the message if you like! That is the greatest praise of all!

Unknown said...

Thank you very much. I am only a messenger who passes what he hears the way he hears it, but thank you for your kind words. Pass the message if you like! That is the greatest praise of all!

Unknown said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Unknown said...

Bless you my brother

schevy56 said...

I've been looking for a good explanation of this for years. Finally found one! Thanks so much for posting your thoughts. I'm putting this on my Facebook page, with your name.

concern for my country said...

The illustration of your dog blaze really makes a whole lot of sence buddy. While reading about how if you release his chain he is still in bondage.
Kind of reminds me of the predicament of the children of African slaves.
Sure they got released but the slave mindset...

Anonymous said...

Thank you. That made it even more clear!

Unknown said...

For years I knew there had to be a big difference between set and make.I always leaned towards make you free. Thank you for giving me the understanding that I've always hoped for. You are such a blessing!

Unknown said...

Wow! this is amazing. Thank you for helpnig me understand this concept.

Unknown said...

I am a firm believer that these "new age " bibles "add and subtract" to the TRUE meaning of certain scriptures in the Bible. I agree that one word can change the whole context of the sentence and meaning.
Than you again for allowing God to use you in a mighty way. May God FOREVER bless you.

Unknown said...

Thank you
God bless you 🙏🏾

Anonymous said...

To "set" is immediate. To "Make" is a process. Short and sweet.

Unknown said...

We must rely on the Holy Spirit. No matter what Bible UR reading provided it is Christian Based God can reveal the true meaning to cause U to search it out. God Bless...

Anonymous said...

I too thank you for the explanation and I loved the analogy you used about the dog. I recently became a Minister and God had me to explain the difference between the two in my message. Not everyone sees the difference but we have to keep sounding the truth. I’m AA and one comment about being set free from slavery but not made free from slavery mindset was another great explanation.

Anonymous said...

I was indoctrinated in my early walk with Yahushua by the religious system. I read NKJV and the NIV but the Lord directed me to pick up the KJV years after. One of the very first things I picked on was the difference between "Set and Made". I didn't question that "Made" was the correct meaning, but I knew it in my spirit. The Holy Spirit confirmed this within me, and I knew there was a difference.
Your explanation is a excellent one and I thank you in helping my understanding. No I am able to help others in the body of Christ to understand the difference! Sadly, most professing Christians still use the terminology "set free", but in truth they are from time to time because they are not discipled. As for myself, I am made true free! Every blessings in Yahushua!

Anonymous said...

Thank you my brother